Total vocal blog
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Sheridan’s YouTube channel is up and running
So Lockdown seemed like the perfect opportunity to launch a YouTube Channel. Over the years friends and students have been suggesting this.. but something has always stopped me. Perhaps it’s the sense that no one is really interested, or maybe the thought of discouraging comments is too soul destroying. However, I’ve decided to do it

Online Vocal Coaching – Ease those ‘lockdown’ anxieties
We are in the midst of unprecedented times. Coronavirus (Covid 19) necessitates we all stay at home or risk lives. It’s certainly been a steep learning curve as we’re fast learning to do things a new way. Spikes of anxiety alternate with appreciation for simplicity as rare family time competes with cabin fever and

Vocalmania 2019 – a one day singing & performance workshop
This is a high-energy, fun-filled one day Vocal & Performance workshop! Sunday August 4th 2019… With the Summer holidays well under way…. it will be time to let Summer Madness commence! So guys, it’s time to blow away those cobwebs, let your hair down, breathe in deeply and SING! Do YOU want to sing your

TOTAL VOCAL AT THE FOX – Your chance to sing in public
For our next performance evening we will be returning to The Fox (Farthinghoe, nr Brackley) where once again the vocal students of Sheridan Coldstream (Total Vocal) will sing their hearts out! This is our fourth visit to The Fox and these evenings always have a fantastic atmosphere and lots of great music. All our welcome.

Do You Hear The People Sing? A one day ‘Les Mis’ Performance Workshop
Calling all fans of Les Misérables and Musical Theatre. Total Vocal is thrilled to announce our forthcoming Les Misérables one day experience ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’ on Sunday 18th November. Working with current and past cast members of the infamous West End production, this is your chance to sing and perform the songs