Online Vocal Coaching – Ease those ‘lockdown’ anxieties

We are in the midst of unprecedented times.   Coronavirus (Covid 19) necessitates we all stay at home or risk lives.  It’s certainly been a steep learning curve as we’re fast learning to do things a new way. Spikes of anxiety alternate with appreciation for simplicity as rare family time competes with cabin fever and uncertainty. These feelings are confusing, even upsetting – relinquishing control is never easy and here we are with few guarantees at all.  The realisation that nature is bigger than we are and that few things matter very much is a dose of humility and a life lesson for all of us. 

Never has it been more important to explore new ideas and get creative.  Creativity uses the righthand side of our brains, whereas anxiety, depression and over-thinking use the left.  Perhaps the best news is that neither right nor left can function simultaneously – put simply, its hard to feel anxious and low when you’re actively engaged in something spontaneous and creative. Making music, acting, dancing, singing, cooking, painting etc..  are all activities that allow us to feel present and engaged in the here and now.  Our business here at Total Vocal is singing, performance and confidence.  Online lessons are for now at least the ‘new normal’.  If a creative fix is what you feel you need then please get in touch.

My warmest wishes to you all!

Stay safe,


(Vocal & Confidence Coach)

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