So Lockdown seemed like the perfect opportunity to launch a YouTube Channel. Over the years friends and students have been suggesting this.. but something has always stopped me. Perhaps it’s the sense that no one is really interested, or maybe the thought of discouraging comments is too soul destroying. However, I’ve decided to do it anyway. I’m aiming to reproduce online the same balance of singing/performance teaching and ‘life coaching’ that I find myself doing in my day to day work. Thus far the videos deal mostly with managing Lockdown anxiety and of course online lessons. I’m keen to put some singing teaching videos up soon and would be keen to hear from any of you if there are particular things you’d like me to cover. In the meantime, here is a link to the channel Total Vocal UK – please share, view, subscribe etc if you like. I would love your support. These are weird times – Stay safe and warmest wishes to you all!